Computer courses, management courses, business training, and personality development courses. Renowned training and certification center in Bratislava

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MS Office courses

MS Office coursesCatalogue

Details for courses MS Office courses will show upon clicking on course name:

  • Administrative Officer in applications Office I.
    The retraining course Administrative Officer in Office I applications is intended for all those who want to acquire basic IT skills in order to find employment in the labor market not only in administration, but also in other industries where basic computer skills are required. Only the beginning of the course is listed in the term, we will inform you about other dates.
    > See
  • MS Office in practice - package of Excel, Word, PowerPoint
    The MS Office in practice course is intended for users who want to deepen their skills when working in the Windows and Microsoft Office.
    > See
  • PowerPoint in practice
    The PowerPoint in practice course is intended for all those who need to quickly and efficiently process information intended for presentation purposes in the field of advertising, business and promotion, as well as in the field of professional presentations and modern teaching methods.
    > See
  • Word 1 - basics
    The Word 1 - basics training is intended for those who want to learn to work in the MS Word text program, write a letter, application, order, resume and other documents that they will be able to further edit.
    > See
  • Word in practice
    The Word in practice course is focused on the practical mastery of Word program, troubleshooting to work more efficiently.
    > See
  • Word 2 - intermediate
    The Word 2 - intermediate course is intended for users who already have experience with the MS Word text editor and want to learn how to use this program more comprehensively and effectively.
    > See
  • Word 3 - advanced
    The Word 3 - advanced course is intended for users who have experience with a text editor and are interested in its comprehensive use at a professional level.
    > See
  • Business Correspondence
    The Business Correspondence course is intended for secretaries, assistants, managers and all employees for whom business correspondence is a necessary part of the work. The aim is to create a professional image of the employee who participates in the companys written communication. For each topic, specific examples of practical examples and practical exercises are prepared. The purpose of the training exercises is for each participant to try out the ways and rules of creating company letters in terms of content and in terms of form, taking into account the communication culture of a particular company with respect to European standards. Each participant in the training exercises will create specific templates of individual documents on the computer, which will be ready for his work focus.
    > See
  • Outlook 2 - advanced
    The Outlook 2 - advanced training is designed for users who need to be able to work with the program as a workgroup client on Microsoft Exchange Server with all the possibilities that come with teamwork.
    > See
  • Outlook 1 - basics
    Participants in the Outlook 1 - basics course will learn to use this program for e-mail communication, organizing their time and information.
    > See

Upcoming courses - guaranteed dates:

Word 2 - intermediate
29.07.2024 - monday Bratislava
Word 1 - basics
19.08.2024 - monday Bratislava
PowerPoint in practice
17.09.2024 - tuesday Bratislava

Other listed dates in the following weeks:

Outlook 2 - advanced
31.07.2024 - wednesday Bratislava
Outlook 2 - advanced
03.08.2024 - saturday Online course
Word 3 - advanced
03.08.2024 - saturday Online course
Outlook 1 - basics
03.08.2024 - saturday Online course
PowerPoint in practice
03.08.2024 - saturday Online course
Word in practice
03.08.2024 - saturday Online course
Word 3 - advanced
12.08.2024 - monday Bratislava
PowerPoint in practice
20.08.2024 - tuesday Bratislava
Word 2 - intermediate
20.08.2024 - tuesday Bratislava
Word in practice
21.08.2024 - wednesday Bratislava
Outlook 1 - basics
30.08.2024 - friday Bratislava
Word 1 - basics
02.09.2024 - monday Online course
Word 2 - intermediate
09.09.2024 - monday Online course
Word in practice
18.09.2024 - wednesday Bratislava
Word 3 - advanced
23.09.2024 - monday Bratislava

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Word courses - training and corporate education, focused on the use of Microsoft Word

Word course can run in MS Office 2007, 2010, 2013 or even 2003

We'll be happy to prepare a closed training session for you:

    • syllabus of the Word course customized
    • training in case we will organize at your place of interest
    • we also organize residential training Word related to wellness, hiking or skiing , "why not combine the pleasant with the useful?"
    • we will adjust the term of the course to your requirements
    • take advantage of significant volume discounts for training, Word and Office courses
    • Testing: We can test your employees in advance and recommend a suitable course level


E-learning: e-courses

We will give you access to selected computer courses in the student zone, where students will have online access to study materials and can return to the downloaded curriculum at any time.

Word - a text editor is a popular program for creating various documents, users can easily and at the same time very comfortably create a professional document. The program has a very wide range of options, which the average user uses about 20%. The user can write in it from the application, the contract, the creation of the order, the writing of the CV, to the creation of several-page documentation to the publication of the book binding. Due to its wide use, this program is popularly used in the offices of small and large companies, scientific institutes, schools, and last but not least, households.

Macrosoft Training Center - PC School has prepared syllabi for Word courses and trainings are conducted so that mastering the program Microsoft Word was from the ground up , advanced, advanced up to the creation of forms and templates clearly presented by the participants, who, together with the lecturer, also practice illustrated examples in the Word course . A separate part is the Word Course for assistants such as business correspondence , normalized document editing or Word in practice

Word training curricula are listed for each course separately, including course dates.
In case of interest Macrosoft - PC School prepares customized Word training that takes into account all customer requirements. If the participants are interested, they will test the participants in advance, recommend them to the appropriate level and place them on a course according to the previous convention. Refreshments, study materials, stationery are prepared for the participants of the training and after completing the training they will receive a Certificate!

Feel free to contact us on tel. No: 02/55 410 308 , 0948 88 40 88, 0948 88 41 88 or by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Macrosoft team looks forward to working with you.





   ISO 9001

   ISO 20000

   ISO 27001

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