Computer courses, management courses, business training, and personality development courses. Renowned training and certification center in Bratislava

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ISO 9001 ISO 20000 ISO 27001


REPAS + retraining courses

- is a program of the Center for Labor, Social Affairs and Family (ÚPSVaR). REPAS + are retraining courses for jobseekers to enter the labor market and to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities on a retraining course that the jobseeker can choose according to their ideas. Through this program, job seekers will be reimbursed 100% of the cost of retraining (course fees) in our training center.

Who is REPAS for?

For the unemployed who are registered at the Labor and Social Affairs Office as jobseekers and enter the labor market in order to obtain and acquire new knowledge and skills in the form of a course, resp. courses that those interested can choose in our Macrosoft training center with r.o. So don't hesitate and take this opportunity to learn for free!

  • Would you like to get a well-paid job that would also be your hobby?
  • Do you need new knowledge, skills or abilities?
  • You'd like to make a change in your work life, but you don't know how?

Welcome to us! We will be happy to help you.

We will recommend a suitable retraining course and after completing it you will gain new knowledge and a comprehensive view of working life, which will of course be reflected also into your private life in the form of new job opportunities that you will be able to apply for.

  • We'll show you ways to increase your chances of success.
  • We'll teach you to take the right steps to get your dreams to work.

What do you need for that?

A little courage to change working life and pursue your goal. There are 3 more steps:

All MACROSOFT courses and trainings meet the requirements for a REPAS + retraining course.
See you at the REPAS + retraining course. We look forward to seeing you!

What will you gain after completing the retraining course?

Education according to your ideas free of charge CERTIFICATE of completion, with which you can apply for a new job.




   ISO 9001

   ISO 20000

   ISO 27001

Školiace centrum Macrosoft je Certifikovaným Learning partnerom spoločnosti Microsoft

AUTODESk Learning Partner

Video z kurzu

Guarantee of knowledge
Possibility to repeat
a course for absolvents

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