Computer courses, management courses, business training, and personality development courses. Renowned training and certification center in Bratislava

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02/55 410 308
ISO 9001 ISO 20000 ISO 27001

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Satisfaction survey

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Attendance list number *
Course start date *
How did you hear about us:
Promotional material

Recommendation from a friend

How do you evaluate the willingness and behavior of the lecturer? *
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How do you evaluate the expertise and professionalism of the lecturer? *
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How satisfied are you with the organization of the training? *
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What did you like:
What do you suggest to improve the training:
Which training topics interested you the most:
Which training topics interested you the least:
What trainings would you welcome in our offer?
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   ISO 9001

   ISO 20000

   ISO 27001

Školiace centrum Macrosoft je Certifikovaným Learning partnerom spoločnosti Microsoft

AUTODESk Learning Partner

Guarantee of knowledge
Possibility to repeat
a course for absolvents

Pečať finančnej stability