Computer courses, management courses, business training, and personality development courses. Renowned training and certification center in Bratislava

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ISO 9001 ISO 20000 ISO 27001

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Windows Server, Linux courses

Windows Server, Linux coursesCatalogue

Details for courses Windows Server, Linux courses will show upon clicking on course name:

  • Administrátor Windows Server
    Rekvalifikačný kompetenčný kurz Administrátor Windows Server je určený všetkým záujemcov, ktorí sa chcú naučiť alebo zdokonaliť v správe Windows Serverov a nájsť si uplatnenie na trhu práce v tejto oblasti ako systémový správca Windows Serverov. Školenie je ukončené Certifikátom. V termíne je uvedený len začiatok kurzu, o ďalších termínoch Vás budeme informovať.
    > See
  • Bezpečnostné mechanizmy Active Directory
    > See
  • IT TESTER junior
    > See
  • Windows installation and system administration
    The Windows installation and system administration training is designed for administrators who will install, configure, perform administration, and technical support for the operating system.
    > See
  • Handy Windows and computer network administrator
    > See
  • Windows SERVER system security
    The Windows SERVER system security course is intended for administrators who will manage MS Windows Server, install, configure, perform administration and technical support of the MS Windows Server operating system.
    > See
  • Windows Server installation and system administration
    The Windows Server Installation and System Administration course is intended for administrators who will work with MS Windows Server on a daily basis and will install, configure, perform administration, and provide technical support for the MS Windows Server operating system.
    > See
  • Windows SERVER Active Directory
    The Windows SERVER Active Directory course is intended for administrators who will install, configure, administer, and provide technical support for the Windows Server operating system as a domain controller.
    > See
  • Bezpečnosť podnikovej domény v kontexte ISO/IEC 27001 a 27002
    > See
  • LINUX inštalácia, správa systému
    Školenie LINUX inštalácia, správa systému je určené používateľom operačného systému UNIX, budúcim správcom systému, ale i ostatným záujemcom, ktorí si chcú prehĺbiť znalosti tohoto operačného systému.
    > See
  • LINUX pre administrátorov, základy
    Kurz LINUX pre administrátorov, základy je určený všetkým záujemcom, ktorí sa chcú naučiť pracovať s operačným systémom UNIX / LINUX. Slúži ako základný kurz pre všetky ďalšie kurzy operačného systému LINUX.
    > See
  • LINUX sieťové služby
    Kurz LINUX sieťové služby je určený pre správcov operačného systému LINUX, ktorí budú inštalovať, konfigurovať a prevádzkovať siete TCP/IP.
    > See
  • Administrátor serverov Linux
    Kompetenčný kurz Administrátor serverov Linux je určený všetkým záujemcov ktorí sa chcú uplatniť na trhu práce ako systémový administrátor Linux serverov. Kurz je ukončený Certifikátom. V termíne je uvedený len začiatok kurzu, o ďalších termínoch Vás budeme informovať.
    > See
  • Microsoft SharePoint server for users
    The Microsoft SharePoint server for users course is intended for those who work with the MS Office package and want to learn how to take advantage of fast information sharing using MS SharePoint.
    > See

Upcoming courses - guaranteed dates:

Windows SERVER Active Directory
14.08.2024 - wednesday Bratislava
IT TESTER junior
23.09.2024 - monday Online course

Other listed dates in the following weeks:

Administrátor Windows Server
03.08.2024 - saturday Online course
Microsoft SharePoint server for users
03.08.2024 - saturday Online course
Administrátor serverov Linux
03.08.2024 - saturday Online course
Microsoft SharePoint server for users
07.08.2024 - wednesday Bratislava
Administrátor Windows Server
12.08.2024 - monday Bratislava
LINUX inštalácia, správa systému
24.08.2024 - saturday Online course
Administrátor serverov Linux
26.08.2024 - monday Bratislava
LINUX pre administrátorov, základy
28.08.2024 - wednesday Bratislava
LINUX pre administrátorov, základy
31.08.2024 - saturday Online course
Administrátor Windows Server
23.09.2024 - monday Bratislava

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If you are interested or enjoy working with Windows Server, we have a rich offer of courses for both beginners and advanced administrators. For example:

Windows Server System Installation and Administration - š training is for administrators who will work with MS Windows Server on a daily basis and will install, configure, manage and provide technical support for the MS Windows Server operating system.

Windows SERVER system security - training for administrators who will manage, install, configure MS Windows Server , perform administration and technical support of the MS Windows Server operating system.

Active Directory - Intensive - Windows Server Management + Active Directory training is for administrators with experience in They work with the server and want to supplement the information in the form of intensive training.

Exchange SERVER installation and administration - This course is intended for MS Windows Server administrators. who want to use the MS Exchange e-mail system on a computer network.

You will find training syllabi for each individual course .

The advantage of database training in Macrosoft s.r.o. there are usually smaller groups of trainees. Experienced lecturers are a guarantee of thorough adoption of the curriculum with emphasis on the needs of clients. Of course, there is also room during the training for questions that interest clients in practice.

Among other benefits that our clients appreciated are comfortable, bright and spacious training rooms, as well as refreshments during breaks. Upon completion of the course, which takes place in a relaxed atmosphere, each participant will receive a Macrosoft training graduate certificate. Macrosoft certifications are widely accepted by employers, including large organizations and companies.


   ISO 9001

   ISO 20000

   ISO 27001

Školiace centrum Macrosoft je Certifikovaným Learning partnerom spoločnosti Microsoft

AUTODESk Learning Partner

Video z kurzu

Guarantee of knowledge
Possibility to repeat
a course for absolvents

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